Wednesday, 4 July 2012

Just one of those days

Yesterday began in such a way that I went to check the calendar, in case it had suddenly moved on to Friday 13th. But no, it was just a bad start.
Firstly I found a young starling, upside down on the lawn, kicking its legs into the air in an effort to right itself. I managed to pick it up and place it on the side of the lawn on a bank where it may have had more shelter from the continuing rain. I was about to take Gizmo for a walk, and thought I'd build a shelter for the bird when I came back. I'd noticed a spot of blood on its tail feathers, but had no idea how badly injured it was. It was certainly soggy.
On returning from the walk, the bird had gone, so I can only assume it was just stunned with a minor injury. Thank goodness for that.
Next, since Mike has a bad back, and the physio has advised a hot water bottle three times a day, I filled this for him and he placed it against the chair. Unfortunately, it had developed a split which oozed water over the chair, and onto the new carpet below. Fortunately though, it had not scalded Mike. Hairdryer deployed, but I had little time as I had to get to the optician.
I just had time, I decided, to nip to our local Boots, and buy a new bottle. They had them in stock I was told, but couldn't sell anything to anyone as the pharmacist had not arrived, and would not do so until about 10 o'clock. Frustrating or what?
After that the day improved, everything else fitted into place, and I spent the afternoon at the Writers' Group, which we all enjoyed.