Tuesday, 15 February 2011

Writers' Group

I've at last found a writers' group not too far from home, via the U3A which Mike and I have just joined. First meeting for me today, and only the second for the group. It's good to have somebody to meet up with and hopefully make my mind spring into action! About time too.


  1. Hi Christine

    As you can see I'm now following your new blog. I'm not too sure why there's two pictures of me. Three if you count the one with Networked Blogs.

    I hope you'll enjoy the writers' group. I used to go to one with Crystallite Linda Tilston at the YMCA but then I ended up running it at my house. Saved on the bus fares!

  2. There's something in that, but we only have one living room, and it's probably occupied by Mike, my husband, and Gizmo my dog, so not really big enough.
